Shibir - Retreats
Bodh Shibir is a carefully crafted well being retreat held held in a tranquil and transformative environment, facilitating you to outgrow your physical, emotional and spiritual limitations.
At Bodh Shibir, you pause, reflect, rejuvenate, and then return to your everyday routine with enhanced creativity, productivity, and overall well-being.
Throughout this life-changing event, you will embrace a diverse range of conscious living practices leading to a whole new approach to joy and abundance in life, work and relationships.
This experience unfolds in a picturesque setting surrounded by green hills, far from the hustle and bustle of city life.
Think of this as one of the most valuable investments you will ever make - in yourself!
What Awaits You at Bodh Shibir
Bodh Dhyana (A Form of Meditation)
Discover your anchor amidst life’s chaos and find calmness.
Sacred Rituals
Engage in powerful rituals that cleanse and empower your inner self.
Celebrations and Celestial Music
Feel the primordial vibrations by connecting with the origin and the source of everything.
Soulful Connections
Connect with like-minded individuals who are on a journey of self-discovery and grow together.
Body Awareness
Motion creates emotions. Challenge your compulsions through dance and other body-awareness activities.
Therapeutic Arts & Crafts
Splash the colours, stick the props, paint the figures and let your expressions find creativity.
Deep unlearning
Are you burdened by too much learning? Then declutter through a process of deliberate unlearning.
Healing talks
Deconstruct and reconstruct your thoughts, emotions and actions for healing and growth. thoughts, emotions and actions for healing.
Satvik palate
Nourish your body and awaken your senses with food for the soul.
Upcoming Shibir